Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Figuring out why I felt awful

When it all began...

Last summer, summer of 2016, I noticed the exhausted feeling wasn't leaving.  I knew I'd had it for months, but had attributed it to our crazy schedules, traveling with my daughters volleyball team, a spider bite, lack of sleep, etc.  About half way through the summer I knew it shouldn't be like that still.  Summers are hectic and hot, but they're also a time when i generally get close to eight hours of sleep, sometimes squeeze in a nap, and enjoy chillin with my girls when the opportunity presents itself.  I wasn't able to workout in the mornings anymore, I would typically put forth the effort of waking up and going to my garage gym, but lifting anything was like using spaghetti noodles to lift a rock...wasn't gonna happen.  I really focused on my diet, thinking surely I was causing this lack of energy.  I was already eating super healthy and sleeping all I could, so this didn't help at all.  I thought maybe it was my reduced level of exercise that was causing my weakness and exhaustion, so I did everything in my power to push through, but the fear of collapsing or dropping weights or passing out was far too great.  Now I did what we all do in our day and time, I hit up google for some help and decided it was my thyroid.  I was noticing some dizzy spells, i was "standing up too fast" every time I stood, getting shaky for no reason, and becoming more exhausted by the day.  (when I say exhausted, I mean like flu exhausted...every movement takes serious effort, sometimes even breathing).

I finally caved in and went to the doctor.  I didn't have a primary care physician, so getting in took a while, but she was so worth it!  She ordered every single blood test on the books!  Everything came back in the normal range.  So we visited more about what was going on with me.  She officially diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  Ugh!  I hate that diagnosis!  But at the same time i felt a little more justified in feeling so exhausted.  We went through several more rounds of tests, looking for blood flow issues.  Many things were found during this process including a bruit in my carotid artery and a cyst in my sinus cavity.

 After the third CT scan I got a phone call telling me I have MALS.  This started a whole new round of conversations!  I had assumed all of my stomach pain and constant nausea was due to my Celiac Disease!  Nope, none of it!  Not after eating clean for so many years!  I was thrilled to know it wasn't my doing making me feel so crummy!  I was excited to have a diagnosis that was "treatable" and very anxious to receive treatment.  This was November 2016 and I never dreamed of the struggle the next ten months would bring with it...

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