Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Ever Growing List

I've had two pre-op appointments to complete all the blood work and testing required. It's amazing everything new that shows up with every test. I know some of it is having tests completed by different people so they are interpreted differently, but the list still keeps getting longer. As of today, here is the list of issues/diagnosis I have: 
Celiac disease
Bruit in right carotid artery
Chronic Fatigue
Intestinal ischemia
Deteriorating spine
Large ovarian cyst
Sinus cyst
Bladder: incidental ureterocele
Liver enzymes 
Sinus bradycardia
Right Ventricular Conduction delay

Hoping and praying surgery will help my body regain its ability to fight these things off and, at the least, keep them from getting worse!  

Surgery is in about 36 hours!  Hip hip hooray!

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